Description: This is a stunningly beautiful set which reproduces the artwork of Archibald Thorburn (1860-1935). His depictions are so life-like you feel you can almost touch the creatures which include a superb picture of a mole capturing a worm, the Dormouse which is on the endangered list, a Long-Eared Bat, the nocturnal Hedgehog, Water Shrew, rare Wild Cat, Fox, Grey Seals, Common Seals, Otter, Badgers, the hard to spot Pine Marten, Polecat, a Stoat in both summer and winter coat, Britain's smallest carnivore the Weasel, Red Squirrel, Red Deer, Roe Deer, Woodmice, House Mouse, Yellow-Necked Mouse, the unpopular Brown Rat, Brown and Mountain Hares, Rabbit, White Cattle which we are told are kept as wild herds in some parks, the Orca or Killer Whale and Walrus which are occasional visitors to these shores and the Common Porpoise. There is plenty of information on the card backs and a special album was originally available to house this set which was also issued with "Doncella" in 1983 and with 'Grandee PLC' n 1982. Cards size 90 x 50mm. Number of cards in set: L30